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Mvskoke For Health
Use these handy Pronunciation recordings to help yourself learn and better care for Mvskoke patients
Hesci! - Hello!
Stonko? - How are you?
Mvto! - Thank you!
Hocefkv? - Name?
Estofvn corolopvte towa? - Birthdate?
"Iss-doh-fun cho-thloh-loh-buh-dee dohwah"
Heleswv estowaten papecetowv? - What medications are you taking?
"Heh-liss-wuh iss-doh-wah-din
Heleshvya heckv ocetcv? -
"Heh-liss-hah-yah hitch-kuh oh-jit-chuh"
Cem vlekcv naket hocefkv te? -
What is your Dr's name?
"Chim uh-leek-chuh naw-get-hoh-jif-guh dee
Heleshvya heckv cen hvyahaniyv? -
Can I schedule you an appointment?
"Heh-liss-hah-yun hitch-guh
Helescerehe cuko estowaten
cen vtotvhaneya? - Which pharmacy
would you like this sent to?
"Heh-liss-jee-thlee-hee choo-goh iss-doh-wah-din
Helescerehe cuko ofv ayepvs! -
You can go to the pharmacy!
"Heh-liss-chee-thle-hee choo-guh oh-fuh yee-buss"
Estowen cemvnicite? -
How can I help you?
"Es-doh-wen chim-uh-ney-jee-dee"
Entis catv cencvwephoyv? -
Have you done labs?
"En-days-jah-duh chin-juh-weep-hoy-uh"

Rvfo enokketv sekekv ceyacv? -
Would you like a flu shot?
"thluh-fo ih-nohk-gin-duh see-gee-guh
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